Travis was staying at a cheap hotel, the identification from the wallet he took from one of the goons from before making his identity a secret for now. He pondered how long that would last as he contemplated his next move. Have to find out where Rei might have gotten to. So far he had gone from Tucson to Pheonix without success, and he had to assume she had somehoe been able to fly out. Maybe even sprouted wings given what she told me. Travis thought for a moment if her being able to wipe out the human race was a hoax. No, he thought, she doesn't joke around, she wouldn't say that in fun. With an anguished look on his face Travis crashed back onto the bed, still trying to come to terms with it all.


Rei did her best to ignore the stares when she filt something on her shoulder. She froze, whoever it was that grabbed her had a firm grip, and she prepared herself for trouble.

"Hi there."

The pleasent tone of voice came as a bit of a surprise to Rei. Unless it was meant to be sarcastic, and she was certain that it wasn't, then she relaxed a little, starting to think that no harm would come to her. As Rei finished the thought a hat was thrust into her hands.

"Put this on."

Instead Rei looked up to see the tallest woman she had ever seen in her life. She was Travis' height, maybe even taller, with long almond hair and piercing green eyes. She could see the muscles bulging out from the sleeves of her arm, and thought maybe it was best not to argue. "Are you here to pick me up?" Rei asked.

The woman paused for a moment, wondering what Rei meant, before smiling. "Yes dear, I'm here to take you to your new home." She gave Rei a pair of sunglasses as well to cover up her eyes. "Put those on now." Rei complied, trying to think of how to explain the situation with her having no family here. The woman didn't give her a chance. "Rei Ayanami. That's Japanese isn't it?"


The woman pushed her a little, making Rei walk along with her. "Well I'm Nancy Allen."

Inside Rei was conflicted. For most of her life she had shunned attention to herself, even though it was something she desired. First it had been Gendou Ikari looking after her for all her life, despite his coldness he appeared genuinely nice to her, and mostly her alone. Then there was his son Shinji, who from him she was able to see that it was him, more, that cared for her, rather than Gendou simply using it as a means for his own ends. It was Travis who came into her life next, his gruff yet loving nature was something Rei felt comfortable with. Now this woman who she had just met was acting like they were the best of friends, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it as Nancy talked away. Part of her wanted to pull away, uncomfortable with how strongly the woman was projecting herself on her. But she didn't know in what way the woman woman would react and kept quiet, hoping that she would do what she needed her to do.

"You are an absolute lifesaver," Nancy went on, the words finally breaking through her thoughts. "I tell you that much right now."

"Hmm?" That comment made Rei stop in her tracks. "Come on," Rei urged, "there's so much we need to get done." Rei couldn't argue with that and complied.

"Yes, c'mon, lots to do before I take you to your new home."

It was clear to Rei that Nancy believed every word of her lie, and she wasn't sure about playing along with it. "There is something I need to tell you," Rei said.

Nancy paused, then crouched down so she was at Rei's height. "Yes, anything."

For a moment Rei thought about telling her what she told Travis, before reasoning that if this Nancy would help her and Rei was able to return to her own timeline then she would never have to know. "I do not have any family here."

Nancy nodded understandingly. "Yes. I heard about what happened with you and Travis." Nancy placed a hand on Rei's cheek, and again the young girl thought of how the woman was forcing herself on her. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Before Rei could say any more Nancy stood up and gently led Rei along with her. "So you hungry? You had anything to eat on the plane?"