It seemed as though the world would be destroyed by Interpol, but a figure reached into their pocket and pulled out something that gave off an onimous red glow. Upon doing so, a mirage of images of the recent events flew by, everything happening backwards.


Travis looked up at the sky, the missiles he'd noticed nowhere to be seen. The others were wondering what had happened, and Travis simply gave a shrug, not knowing himself.


Jun was unsure what to make of seeing how time had seemed to reverse, but the threat of nuclear weapons had galvanised her to action and she ran as fast as she could, trying to work out the best course of action.


Reiko pulled herself to her hands and knees, seeing that she had thrown herself on Rei to protect her when the nuke hit. But somehow it seemed as though it never happened. "You all right?" she asked.


"What the hell?" Nancy absentmindedly left the video she had made and ran outside, seeing no signs of devestation that she expected. "Are you responsible for this?" she asked Rose.


"Thank God." Sofia felt great relief over Interpol's nuclear attack had somehow been averted. It would be something to pray over, that was for certain, but first there was the small matter of dealing with Interpol.


Adam had clutched onto his phone tightly, looking outside the plane and saw nothing. No nukes, no obliterated cities, it was like it never happened. "What is this?" he wondered. "Could America be responsible for it?"


"What's going on out there?" Mina demanded.

"Not sure. It's like the nukes just...vanished."

"Our objective hasn't changed. Interpol must die. Do whatever it takes to put them down." Mina headed back to where Interpol was meant to be, a squad of Marines behind her, and upon seeing Chun Li brought her pistol up to fire, before seeing that weird looking stone and wondered if she should target that instead.


"It works." The figure had clutched the Blood Stone, the real stone, not the traps left to turn whoever would use them into zombies. It was most definetly a stroke of luck that it had been found to be able to control time. Something such as this definetly had it's uses. And abuses, the figure thought. It was not a pleasing thought that Interpol would doom themselves by using the trap that had been placed, but the prospect of nuclear annihilation was far less appealing. "Think I will hold onto this for a while."