Clash Of The Warriors Chapter 4

The next morning Ryu wakes up and dosen't find Morrigan in the bed.

Ryu: Morrigan? Are you here?

Ryu smells a very pleasent smell of food. He goes to the kitchen and finds Morrigan cooking.

Ryu: What ya cooking?

Morrigan: Eggs, pancakes , and sausages.

Ryu: Smells delicous.

Morrigan: Last night was delicous.

Ryu walks to Morrigan and puts his arms around her. He starts to kiss her neck.

Morrigan: Baby, baby take a shower and wash your hands. I want my first breakfast here on Earth to be perfect. Ryu stops kissing her neck.

Ryu: Ok Morrigan.

Ryu walks to the bathroom.

Morrigan: This first baby that I'm going to have will have such a great father.

Morrigan rubs her stomach.

Meanwhile at Interpol... Chun Li is at her desk looking up profiles and records on Morrigan Aenslaed.

Chun Li: Morrigan Aenslaed... Born in 1678!?! She belonged to a wealthy king named Berial Aenslaed. She was last seen at the age of 23 and dissappeared. Her sister Lilth also was missing from the royal family. Many farmers said that she was seen with bat wings and was a vampire. But she was not evil..yeah right! She took my Ryu! What 's this? She is said to be a member of the White Succubus. White Succubus?

Wallace: Hey Chun Li.

Chun Li: Huh... Oh Wallace whats up?

Wallace looks at Chun Li's computer.

Wallace: Who's she? She's cute and big on the breast. Who is she?

Chun Li: She is the bitch that took my Ryu away but this is confusing me. It says that she was born 1678 in Scotland. But she is on the Earth.

Wallace: What about her mystic power Soul Power?

Chun Li: I don't know about Soul Power... but I know some one who does.

Wallace: Who?

Chun Li: Tell the boss I went out on a break bye.

Wallace: Chun Li!

Chun Li runs out.

Chun Li: If anyone knows about Soul Power than she has to know.

After Ryu's and Morrigan's breakfast....

Morrigan: That was great!

Ryu: Yeah. You cooking is amazing ya know that?

Morrigan smiles.

Morrigan: So where are we going today?

Ryu: Have you seen the lake?

Morrigan: No.

Ryu: Then let's go!

Morrigan: Yeah.

They grab their jackets and leave. Back at the Demon World...

Lilth: I demand to know where my big sister is!

Lilth's servants: We don't know where she is young one.

Lilth: Well find her! She better not have left me alone to enter another damn tournament.

Lilth's servants: Yes little lady.

Lilth: Where can she be? Wait, I got an idea.

Lilth runs up to Morrigan's room. She turns on the computer and goes under Morrigan's screen name.

Lilth: Now what can her password be? Hmmm... Demitri... Yes! I'm in! Now to see what she was last on. A Street Fighter tournament in planet Earth. She wouldn't! Servants!

Her servants run upstairs to Morrigan's room.

Lilth's servants: Yes me lady.

Lilth: I'm going to planet Earth. Tell Demitri that he is in charge of the castle while I'm gone.

Lilth's servants: Yes little lady.

Lilth flies out of her window.

Lilth: Bye!

Lith's servants: Bye.

Lith flies away.