It was 8:00 am on a beautiful Saturday Morning, yeah right, unlike everyone else in the world Morrigan was never in the mood to see sunlight. She woke up to here her cell phone ring."Who in the fuck is calling me?" she asked herself. She looked at the screen and knew who it was," Chun Li" she answered her phone."Hey girrl, what do you want?" Morrigan asked as she got up. Chun Li told Morrigan that she overheard Bison talking about sending his goons to destroy Ryu and Ken. Morrigan for once was not interested but she did need to feed,"Alright, where can I meet you?" she asked as she was getting ready. Chun Li answered,"meet me at the old town bridge, Ryu and Ken are heading there." Morrigan quickly got her things and headed out.

Few minutes later they where at the bridge, Morrigan saw Chun Li heading her direction,"so, any news about the situation?"

"No, not yet" Chun Li said.

Morri and Li stood near a tree that overlooked an old shack near the bridge. "Wonder what R and K are doing here?" Morrigan asked. Chun Li was about to answer when all of a sudden they where spotted by Bison's goons. "Well, I guess I will feed now" Morrigan said as she flew towards the men.

"Time to kick some ass" Li said as she ran towards them too.

Morrigan landed behind one of the goons and used her nails to cut his throat open revealing his adam's apple. Li ran up to one and just started to kick the motha' fuckin' life out of the goon. Morrigan grabbed the guy behind her and jumped on him to feed her appetite for blood. The blood tasted wonderful, the warm, silky sensation was sending chills down her spine. Li saw what Morri was doing and just smiled. One of the goons grabbed her from the back, not wanting to let her go. Li raised her right leg and kicked him on his face. She turned around and punched him in the chest. She did a couple of spin kicks and finally jumped up into the air and kicked him on top of his head breaking his spine and killing him instantly.

When both women had their share of fun, they decided to go to the little shack to see if Ryu and Ken where ok. When they got there, there was no one to be found. Morrigan looked at Li and said,"I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but we need to find them now."

Li agreed but when they where heading out she noticed some marks on the walls. The marks looked like claws, three claws to be exactly. "Vega" Chun Li said as she ran towards Morri. "Morrigan, we have to find them quickly, I have a really bad feeling about this."