"You're the one who killed Rini, right?" Tuxedo Mask said calmly, pointing his cane at Psychoblue.

"Heh, you catch on pretty quick, Shields," Psychoblue answered. "But let me ask you something, do you know who I am?"

"I've already read your SHIELD profile, psycho." Darien began to grip his cane tight as he prepared to battle. "You're supposed to dead....several times over!

"I've died many times, in many ways." Psychoblue dodged a swipe from Tuxedo Mask's weapon. He grabbed Darien arm and started elbowing him while emphasizing every word with every blow. "But...I....keep....coming...BACK!" Darien escaped Psychoblue's hold and wiped off some blood. He countered with a beautiful roundhouse kick to Psychoblue's head. "Heh, not bad pal." Psychoblue taunted. "BUT THIS PARTY'S JUST GETTING STA-"

"BACK OFF!!!" A young man's voice pierced the air as an armored man appeared in from of Psychoblue. "HE'S MINE!!" The armored man quickly ran towards Tuxedo Mask and winded him with a blow to the solar plexus. Darien crumpled as he tried to regain composure.

"Hey, YOU!!" Psychoblue teleported in front of Darien as the armored man prepared for a killing blow. "DON'T BUTT IN!!"

"NO, YOU DON'T BUTT IN!!" The armored man fired off a ki blast that sent Psychoblue flying. The Psycho Ranger landed gracefully and tackled the new fighter.

"So tell me...JUST WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Psychoblue yelled as he got back up.

"Well if you must know...." the armored fighter got back up, too. "My name's Megachill, and I'm here to wipe out the Sailor Soldiers!"

"DREAM ON!" Psychoblue retorted, "THE SAILOR SLUTS ARE MINE!!!"

The two just stood there for moment, letting their anger build. Until they finally just lunged at each other.

Darien got back up and began moving away from the combatants. "Damn," he muttered to himself, "I better tell the others that we've got bigger problems than we thought.."



I have just spent well over an hour taking on the kid who looks strikingly similar to myself. We've all but annihilated the area we're in. My armor has numerous scratches, but this Megachill nut has just crumpled gasping for air. I managed to crack open an eyepiece and torso armor, and this guy's definitely human. I got out my Psycho Axe, and approach him warily.

"Alrighty, son," I gasp, "Why don't we just sit down and talk? The only one I really want is the Blue Ranger, and I wouldn't mind if you got rid of the rest."

The kid just sat there for a moment, like he had just had a revelation. I held out my hand, and hoped he didn't rip it off. He grabbed my arm and I helped him up. "Sorry 'bout that," he said between gasps, "but I just really hate those Sailor Soldiers." I turned around and noticed that Shields was gone. Just as well ;cause I've bigger-

"PSYCHO!!!" My comlink screamed to life as Megachill leapt into action. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!" "My pager," I said calmly as I switched my frequency to match Galaxia's.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING!? WHY ARE THERE STILL 9!?" "Sorry, boss," I said, "but I've been kinda- YEARGH!!!!!" All of the sudden, my entire body felt like it was about to fall apart. Everything was in immeserable pain, but Galaxia continued on. "Consider that a warning, Psycho. I gave you your life and I'll just as easily take it back!"

WARNING: BODY VITALITY AT 30%. ARMOR POWER 55% Allow 45 seconds to repair? ......Y 45 second shut down initiated Please wait... (End transmission)

As I regained consciousness after those 45 seconds, I noticed that Megachill's armor had reconstructed itself, too. It looked as if the kid was sleeping, but he jumped up and pulled out that spiked warhammer of his from his leg. "Serena.....PAYBACK TIME!!!!!"

My visor computer turned back on to show that Sailor Moon Sailor Mars, and Sailor Uranus were headed towards my position.

The Red Ranger would be the first to go. My newfound friend here can take care of the Lesbian and Ms.Pigtails.

I quickly got on my feet and my Psycho Axe appeared in my hand. And so it begins: Nine Sailor Sluts vs. two guys at least 20 times as powerful as they...

"My, my, my, what a beautiful day for destruction.."