Crow likes Jaden's confident attitude because it almost remind him of himself. Instead of doing nothing but wait, Crow decides to talk to Jaden as he offers a hand shake. "So you are Jaden. I've heard a lot about you."

"Look I just heard that there is an announcement of tag dueling in the tournament. This bothers me because I don't do tag dueling." Zane could not imagine wanting to team up with any one here as he works alone and enjoys being a loner.

Kalin heard Sephiroth call him a nerd and gives him a quick punch to his jaw to shut his mouth. "You want to fight and take me on right now than come on."

Sayer gives a big and evil grin. He wants to see Dark Signer Kalin and Sephiroth fight to see just how strong they are so it would be that much easier to brain wash them to force them as mindless soldiers in his Arcadia Movement to control the world.

"That does it!" Sephiroth recovers from the punch to the jaw and with his eyes glowing green he summons his sword and prepares to strike down Kalin. "Prepare to die, you disgusting looking creature!"

As the fighting was about to begin, Carly the reporter quicker opened her purse to take out her camera and began taking pictures to see if she could get any shots that would make a lot of money from her boss and even give her a job promotion.