All star dueling tournament: Part 7

"Good luck." Setsuna said to Sephiroth as she knew that he was next to fight. Genesis looked really strong and she worried that Sephiroth might not be able to defeat him.

"Coward. Get over there and fight, or should I go there and fight for you?" Ken shouted at Sephiroth who has not yet went over to the center of the stage to fight Genesis as Ken was waiting for all the preliminaries to be over so that the semi finals can begin. Ken was determined to win the tournament and all this waiting was angering him.

Zane would have preferred to have defeated Yugi in a duel not just win by default but a victory was a victory. He steps down away from the competition area and thanks Ken for the little help back there that eventhough was unnecessary was appreciated for. The next match looked like it will take a long time as one of the fighters has not yet showed up so he decided to go to the library to use the computers and research on the other duelists that are left in the tournament including their strengths, weakness and dueling strategies.

Sephiroth didn't like being called a coward so he jumps in to the ring to fight Genesis. He holds his sword tight and prepares to fight the bitter showoff that has always been jealous of his skill and fighting ability. "This will be an easy match. I've defeated you many times before, Genesis. And I will do so again. I don't even have to take you seriously or use much effort to beat you." Sephiroth knew these words will anger Genesis as his anger makes Genesis all the more easy to defeat.

"Let's get the fight started." Hamtaro climbs to the top of a flag pole to have the best view of Sephiroth and Genesis' fight. He was sure that Sephiroth would win and if he didn't then shame on him.

"Since this is a long fight then I better make more food." James grabs some nearby duel monsters and tosses them on the grill. He whistles a tune as he hears the monsters scream to their death as they were transformed in to burgers that James will serve to his customers.

"Fight, you morons! Don't make me come over there and beat the both of you up." Ken orders three burgers from James and shouts insults at Genesis and Sephiroth. He looks down at those two for having to use swords in the competition because a real fighter doesn't need weapons.

"I'll make you regret saying those words." Genesis' face turned red with anger. His face was redder than his coat as Sephiroth's insults really made him angry. He held his sword across across his face and ignited the fire and was prepared to destroy Sephiroth to show the whole world that he is the strongest warrior of them all. "DIE!"