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Guardians of the Galaxy NES ROM?

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Guardians of the Galaxy NES ROM?
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Intoxicating Cruzader

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Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
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Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Hey, does anyone know where I can find a ROM of the Guardians of the Galaxy NES game? I really want to try it, as it was hacked from the Bucky O'Hare NES game - but I just can't find it on any of the ROM sites I visit -_- . Can you please help me?

If anyone wants to see the game for themselves, here's a video of it on YouTube:


Now, I realise I'll be hit with a few questions, if I can indeed find this game:

"If at all possible, will this be a pre-airing gaming achievement for future airing celebration?"

Answer: Fire up some cheat codes (obviously, those for the Bucky O'Hare NES game), and the answer is a definite yes - I only want to hear those dreaded words 'game over', when they come out of Raul Julia's mouth! If so, I would certainly make it the first achievement - but if I pick it up as an airing gift (i.e. while I'm already undergoing an airing celebration), then obviously I'll have to wait awhile to complete it LOL

May I also take this opportunity to remind you, Bucky O'Hare was, himself, created by a Japanese man - which was indeed another point taken into consideration, with the Swedish and Russian Bucky O'Hare games (in that order) being the first two achievements for my airings in Balrog Bashing Month 2016; so yes, this would add to the reasons in favour of me completing this first if at all possible, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy being no exception to Marvel VS Capcom. Please remember such key points, as the cultural side of airing celebration.

"I assume you'll have a preferred order, in which we rescue the four Guardians?"

Answer: Indeed I have - Gamora (Green Planet), Groot (Blue Planet), Drax (Yellow Planet) and finally Rocket (Red Planet). As well as due to my habit of primarily maining female characters, which in this case means Gamora (who was modeled on AFC Blinky) will get my vote... every Bucky O'Hare fan will know, you must do the Green Planet before setting foot on Blue.

However, yes I am aware that Rocket was, in fact, inspired by the Beatles song Rocky Raccoon - so I feel sorry for poor Duck , being the model for Rocket (Duck VS Rocket death battle in which Duck wins, anyone?). While still wearing my gaming L-plate, I became aware that rescuing Duck last will mean, without cheats, he will not be playable until Salvage Chute - so given the situation with Rocket, yes I will indeed take advantage of this and rescue him last.

"You mentioned something about mirror matches, on the Cell stage of the Bucky O'Hare NES game. Will this also apply to Guardians of the Galaxy?"

Answer: Yes, again if cheating is possible. On Bucky O'Hare, if you have an 'unlock all characters' cheat code activated... then you can do Jenny VS Jenny, Willy VS Willy and finally Duck VS Duck mirror matches on Cell. I even used 'brainwashed' Jenny's colours as inspiration, for character design for the hater named Jenny de Cerna - it was inevitable! LOL

So if all goes well, then yes I would do Groot VS Groot and Drax VS Drax mirror matches, but no I wouldn't do a Rocket VS Rocket mirror match. Naturally, that'd be another job for Gamora.

"What about the hard mode??"

Answer: Good question - I can get through that, to prepare the game for when it's ready to be completed. I had previously done so, for the Swedish and Russian Bucky games.

"Any other advice you can give?"

Answer: Well, apart from when you'll need Gamora on both the Blue Planet and then Cell... it all depends on your style of play, and/or if you like to show off a bit. Back in the day, mom would use Bucky (he can shoot forwards and backwards, while piloting the Toad Croaker) for the final boss fight VS the Toad Air Marshal - so knowing her, she'd tell you to let Star Lord kick Ronan's ass.

One important suggestion I would make, is to play as Groot on the first part of the penultimate act of Cell. Stand in the very center, as there are no meteors falling down on you from there, and charge up his crystal ball (or plant bomb, if you like) and shoot upwards - this will get rid of the electric spike things above you. It doesn't matter who you pick for the second half of this act, though again I would let Gamora take care of that.

Groot is also recommended, for the Salvage Chute boss. Stand in-between its legs, and shoot a charged-up plant bomb upward at the switch thing underneath it, before aiming for the pilot. However, at regular intervals you may need to switch to Gamora to crouch.

Yes, I also realise Drax is highly recommended, for certain boss fights! If not a charged-up shot, even his regular attack will deal some serious damage.

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Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:32 am

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Maybe on good fan sites? Never heard of this game version
Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:33 am
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
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Tetsu wrote:
Maybe on good fan sites? Never heard of this game version

You've not heard of it? Google it, you'll be pleasantly surprised ^_^

And I'm guessing you read the Guardians of the Galaxy comics? I actually had a book about them, behind the first door on my Marvel Advent calendar - the other two books were both Avengers ones.

Your disco needs you!
Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:19 am
Last Quincy

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Good Information here
Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:11 pm
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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Last Quincy wrote:

Good Information here

Thanks Quincy you're a star, though unfortunately it says the game has to be purchased as opposed to downloaded. If only I could download the game, no?

Your disco needs you!
Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:34 pm
Green Ninja

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Fans are good at making old games fun again
Sat Dec 04, 2021 1:57 am

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This would make a great preachievement game if the game can be found
Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:22 am
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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Raven wrote:
This would make a great preachievement game if the game can be found

Exactly! If only I could simply download it rather than buy it, no?

Your disco needs you!
Sat Dec 04, 2021 6:10 am
White Knight
Balrog killer

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I wish I could get my hands on this game so I can send it over to my princess
Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:56 am
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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White Knight wrote:
I wish I could get my hands on this game so I can send it over to my princess

Awww bless you Lemmy, you're a star 0:-)

Your disco needs you!
Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:25 pm

Posts: 750

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If the game is good then it will be released on many fansites
Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:03 pm
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