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Street Fighter mandate 2021

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Street Fighter mandate 2021
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Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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With us now being in the 'ber' months, this means Deadeye Month/Spanish Deadeye Month (delete as applicable) is not too far off - so we need to up the stakes in prepping for this year's Street Fighter mandate. Please do make your own input, all offers will be given due consideration if not accepted.

First and foremost, yes Yoshimoto's birthday November 13 remains the 'official' start of our prayers to Santa Claude. May I also take the opportunity to remind you, Raul's end-of-life care was, itself, the one time when my parents did obey Ibuki's Law with regard to me being upset at Christmas - and as we all know, Yoshimoto was the end result thereof.

But with the shock news of his passing this year at just 3 years old, I am prepared for if we have to do the big memorial ceremony -including Lemmy and the Koopas putting on the display for us- for Santa Claude coming to town, that is assuming I still don't have any airings before my special month.

Bison and Chun Li have the top spots under the tree, respectively because Yoshimoto was Raul's successor, and because Jasmine came from a lovely Chinese family. I can assure you, I am definitely covered for both - I even picked up almost all of the Street Fighter Official Movie Fighters twin packs, including another Vega VS Ryu twin pack just like one of my gifts from Jay; and on the day when we lost Yoshimoto, Gran showed me the Street Fighter cookbook has already arrived.

Now, I know what you're thinking! No, I won't deliberately chip another tooth, just so I can tell the lovely staff at the hospital in Liverpool about little Jasmine being from the city - however, I have been reassured that if I do need tooth surgery while the pandemic is still on, then yes I can still be treated in Liverpool, as tooth surgery would class as 'essential' should more lockdowns be enforced. All the big organisations involved with booking my surgery are still aware, that my local hospital is NOT an option - it already has multiple strikes against itself, due to previous maltreatment of myself yes including severe malhandling of my needle phobia... but the Mute For Coal Incident was, how you say, 'the straw that broke the camel's back'.

But if at all possible, then yes I want to go to Liverpool for my birthday shopping. As well as the general preference, including if I further fulfill the Street Fighter mandate while there, there is a Disney store in Liverpool - which would be perfect, with regard to the inevitable Disney binge resulting from me naming my kitty Jasmine.

My parents are definitely getting me Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection for my Switch, among their generous donation to my cause - but we still need to see about Ultra Street Fighter 2, if they don't find it then I'll have to EBay for it. Because of my getting a Nintendo Switch, they wanted to see about getting me Switch games for Christmas and/or my birthday - but naturally, I've given them a nudge about the Street Fighter mandate, which mom especially happily supports knowing Jay supports it as well.

But for my own shopping, well we'll see if I get any such items in the meantime before my birthday, like if mom can take me to Telford this year - otherwise, it's straight to EBay. Until mom's decision about the Switch games, I had fingers crossed for Rival Schools, Sakura being in that game was one thing but Akira joining the Street Fighter circuit was the deciding point - but I've snapped that one up already, on the day when I bought my Switch and, yes, I realise nearly a week before Akira and Oro were released for Street Fighter 5. Yes, I also realise Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection would sate any petitions for Oro to have a spot under the tree.

I especially have my eye on Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, because of the Street Fighter EX costumes in Street Fighter 5 - most of all Cammy's Blair costume. I'm a Pullum main on that game, but I'd happily pick Blair to test the game out, and yes I don't doubt mom would pick Blair if she played it.


And of course, there's also the all-important point of if Santa Claude comes to town!

Firstly, I will only wear the red airing dress if my next airing is in Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie Month at the latest, or any time onward from Vega Month - but if it's for Santa Claude, then I'll have to wear the white Greek dress in accordance with Ibuki's Law. But I'd gladly wear the red dress after that, k?

"What if the airing is on November 30, and it lasts into December 1 {i.e. if it is a late-night schedule} - how will you go about that?", I hear you ask? Well, that's a good question. I suppose it would sort of class as Santa Claude, and in turn a Spanish Deadeye Month - but what do you guys think?

Santa Claude will also override any plans already made, such as my Christmas/birthday shopping, if I can go and see the Coca Cola truck, going to my town's annual Christmas markets (I can say, yes my town will do the Christmas markets again this year) etc. - though I will reschedule whatever I can.

If it's a yes, then it will be my fourth Special Champion Edition of the Street Fighter mandate. Yes, I'm still stunned how I got my third one a year after getting the second LOL - but that was because Sky Cinema Action were responsible for the majority of my airings, since 2019 and yes right up to the one on June 29 this year.

I have already been practicing my Kylie Minogue Christmas caroling. Some of her Christmas music videos will be played on the Christmas music channels, when those start up - another perfect means to practice! ^_^

The Lego shop will make more baubles this year, so if they make any more Street Fighter baubles then yes I will buy those. They too know fully well, if Santa Claude comes to town then yes this means the baubles will go up.

But for anyone who might ask about any Mulan ornaments, yes because of Ming-Na having voiced the character and even more so with 'Mulan' among the rejected names for my kitten... yes, I can tell you I do have a Mulan ornament, along with Mushu the dragon and even one or two Nightmare Before Christmas ornaments (i.e. as Capcom made the Oogie's Revenge game). I bought these at another since-defunct Disney store I visit, they were just too cute!

As for pre-airing gaming achievements, other than the Japan-themed ones if again Santa Claude is my first airing without Yoshimoto... well, I have one or two of those on the cards, including some of those which were airing gifts for previous Santa Claude visits. I cannot be sure about Beyond Good & Evil (GameCube and/or PS2), there's a big question mark hanging over that one as we'll have to wait and see - but Wild Arms 4 (PS2) could be promising...

Your disco needs you!
Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:59 am
White Knight
Balrog killer

Posts: 969

Species: Koopa
Gender: Male

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I will obey the mandate
Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:42 am
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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White Knight wrote:
I will obey the mandate

Thank you very, very much Lemmy, I appreciate that. What generous donations do the Koopas have this year, then?

I can also confirm, one way or another Ultra Street Fighter 2 is guaranteed - I have spoken with my dad, he will let me EBay for it if we don't find it in the shops by (very fittingly, I know!) the start of our prayers to Santa Claude. Yes, I plan to play as our little Spanish darling - but in case anyone asks about Violent Ken and Evil Ryu, I plan to give Violent Ken a try first.

Dad was a little unsure, about Gran's hopes to get me a Ken as Robin shirt - but I hope he understands, not least since it turns out Gran was nicknamed 'Robin' when she was young. She already has the Ken as Robin frame ready and waiting, but she just couldn't say no to getting me the shirt if the Lego shop does make that!

Your disco needs you!
Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:54 pm

Posts: 297

Gender: Female

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Robin. That's a cute nickname
Mon Sep 13, 2021 5:10 pm

Posts: 3183
Location: Mew
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Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:34 pm
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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Biyomon wrote:
Robin. That's a cute nickname

It is rather cute, isn't it? Nothing to do with the Batman character of the same name, before you ask...

Your disco needs you!
Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:35 pm
White Knight
Balrog killer

Posts: 969

Species: Koopa
Gender: Male

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The Koopas will donate lots of gold coins!
Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:02 am
Intoxicating Cruzader

Posts: 7776
Location: The Realm, of course!

Species: Human, but with the same powers as Bison
Profession: Street Fighter Queen
Bio: Let my beauty intoxicate you :-D
Gender: Female

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White Knight wrote:
The Koopas will donate lots of gold coins!

Awwww, thanks Lemmy - no doubt, they're proud of me for my tributes to little Yoshimoto! I bet Wendy would want to fashion me some gold-coin jewelry too, no?

Your disco needs you!
Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:32 pm

Posts: 3183
Location: Mew
Species: Mew
Gender: Male

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Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:10 pm
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