The SuperBeast Chronicles 19

Mike gets downstairs to his house, and gets angry at the home invaders. His head is congested, and his mood is unstable. He throws a stool at Sub-Zero, who freezes it in mid-air, and smashes it into ice chips. He drops to his knees, and feels his spirit burn with great vigor. He more slower than usual turns into the red monster everybody has come to know. The monster attempts to roar. It lets out a nasally low-toned whimper. It's head cocks back, and sneezes. It sneezes so hard, the people in his house are spat out through the broken sliding door they all came in from. SuperBeast powers down back into Mike, who is visibly weak, and breathing heavily. Mike hears a faint voice.

Sub-Zero:...bless you.


Everyone runs away, except for one man, who was asking something big of Mike.

Mike: No.

Dan: Please!!!???

Mike: Mr. Hibiki, please.

Dan: Call me Dan!

Mike: If you guys leave me alone, and let me get better, I'll come see the Saikyo Dojo, okay!?

Dan: Really?! You mean it?

Mike sighs begrudgingly.

Mike...Yes. I will.

Dan: FATHER!!!!!

Mike: What? Why are you crying?

Dan jump taunts his way out of Mike's house. Mike holds his head, and passes out on the couch. This head cold came with a major headache of random people invading his privacy. Cammy comes back home, medicine in her purse.

Cammy: Honey, I'm back. Why is our patio door broken?

Mike looks at her with one eye and sighs.
